Content of this article
- Preliminary Remarks
- Set Start Date
- Start with Issues
- Change Start Date
1. Preliminary Remarks
The function Edit Start Time, a fixed start date can be set in the Merchant Backend for subscriptions. It can either be in the past or in the future. A fixed start date can be edited or deleted any time. Alternatively, a subscription can also start with defined issues.
The start time can be defined after the offer has been created and is only available for subscriptions.
2. Set Start Date
In the subscription detail view, the start time can be set via the action bar Extended Offer Data.
The start date can either be entered manually or by using the calender. After it has successfully been saved, the information is displayed in the subscription overview.
4. Start with Issues
As an alternative to the start date, past or future issues can be selected as the start time. The corresponding issue can be selected by the customer in the checkout process or by support in the Merchant Checkout.
After it has successfully been saved, the information is displayed in the subscription overview.
If it has been set that past issues can be selected in the checkout and the customer chooses a past issue, an extra delivery list, the so-called “Subsequent Delivery List”, is created and can be called up in the Downloads menu item.
3. Change Start Date
If required, the start time can be edited or deleted. Open Extended Offer Data again.
- For deleting the start time, select At the time of purchase.
- For changing the start time, change the defined start date.
Note: Once a customer has purchased a subscription with a fixed start time, a subsequent change to the start time does not affect the dates of the subscription already purchased by the customer. The start time set when the subscription was purchased remains valid. |