Assign Tags to an Offer

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Assign a Tag to an Offer

1. Preliminary remarks

In order to use sales-based rules and selling paths, corresponding tags must be assigned to the offer.
For sales-based rules, only the source offer needs a tag.
For selling paths, both the source and the target offer need tags.

2. Assign a Tag to an Offer

In the menu item Offers in the list view open the desired offer in the detail view.
  • In the action bar, click on the drop-down menu Extended Offer Data.
  • Click on Assign Tags.

Tags can be assigned to the entire offer, a product or a step within the offer.
  • Use the drop-down menu to select the desired tag.
    The tags are sorted by type (rule, selling path, custom, reports).
After saving, a tag symbol appears next to the name of the offer in the list view to make it easier to see whether this offer has been assigned tags.

Tags can always be removed from the offer.

3. Exception Reporting-Tags 

Reporting-Tags werden einem Produktvertrag zugewiesen.
Dazu einen Produktvertrag erstellen und im Formular das entsprechende Reporting-Tag auswählen.

3. Ausnahme Reporting-Tags 

Reporting-Tags are assigned to a product contract.
Create a product contract and select the reporting tags accordingly in the form.