API Versions

As we are constantly improving and revising our API, we regularly publish new API versions. We distinguish between API-MINOR and API-MAJOR versions.

API-MINOR versions contain smaller improvements and bug fixes. Minor versions are usually published once a week.
Updating to the new API-MINOR version happens automatically.

API-MAJOR versions contain bigger improvements and new functions. Major versions are usually published every 6 months.
Updating the major version must be done manually in the Merchant Backend in the version management menu item by yourself. This must be done for each client separately. 
Before you update to the new major version, we highly recommend to check all removed and new endpoints as the update cannot be reversed.
We always send out e-mails informing about the upcoming publication of a new API-major version.

All changes for both API minor and major versions are documented in our release notes in the Knowledge Base and in the Merchant Backend in the version management menu item.