Stripe Data Sets to connect to plenigo

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Data Sets for the Connection

1. Preliminary remarks

To be able to connect Stripe to the plenigo Merchant Backend, specific data is required which are to be copied from the Stripe account and inserted in the plenigo Merchant Backend.
The following data is required:
  • Stripe Account UniqueID
  • Publishable key
  • Secret key
  • Webhook 
  • Signing secret

Note: There are two different data sets for the stage and live systems. Depending in which system you operate, the appropriate data sets must be selected.

2. Data Sets for the Connection

Stripe Account UniqueID

  • Click on the gear symbol in the right hand corner.
  • Click on Profile.

  • Scroll to the very bottom of the page.
  • In the list under Accounts in which the ID can be viewed.

Publishable key and Secret key

  • Click on Developer in the right hand corner.
  • Click on API keys tab.
  • Click on Reveal test key to be able to copy the secret key.

Webhook and Signing secret

  • Click on + Select events.
  • In the search bar, search for and select the events from the list below. Click on Add events to add the marked events. More information about the API events, refer to the Stripe documentation.

Stripe API Event



An account status or property has changed.


Stored credit card has been updated.


Credit card owner has been updated.


Information on amount of intended payment


Payment intent has been canceled.


Payment intent has been created.


Payment intent has failed.


Payment intent is in process


Payment intent has sucessfully been executed.


Payment method has automatically been updated.


Payment dispute is closed and status status changes to “lost”, “warning_closed” or “won”.


Payment dispute has been initiated with the bank.


Amount has been credited to your account after the payment dispute was completed in your favor (also applies to partially refunded payments).


Amount has been withdrawn from your account due to payment dispute.


Payment dispute has been updated (usually with evidence).

  • Click on Add endpoint.
The webhook has been sucessfully created.
The signing secret can be found below the webhook.
  • Click on Reveal to view the signing secret.