Configure Apple Pay and Google Pay

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Configure Domain
  3. Configure Apple Pay (iOS-Certificate)

1. Vorbemerkungen

Google Pay and Apple Pay are activated in the Stripe account by default.
To be able to use Google Pay, only the domain needs to be configured.
To be able to use Apple Pay, the iOS-certificate needs to be configured in addition to the domain configuration.
In the Merchant Backend, Apple Pay and Google Pay are included in the Stripe Payment Buttons. Once the Stripe Payment Buttons are set as an available payment method in the Checkout settings, Apple Pay and Google Pay can be used for the payment process.

2. Configure Domain

  • Log in to your Stripe account.
  • Click on the gear in the right hand corner and then on Settings.

  •  In the category Product settings, click on Payments.
  •  Open the payment method domains tab.
  • Click on + Add a new domain.
  • Enter your domain and save. After saving, the domain must be activated via the three dots in the list.

  • Google Pay kann nun verwendet werden.

Note: For Apple Pay, the domain must also be verified. Click on Verify domain and follow the instructions given by Stripe.

For more information about the domain and for detailed instuctions, see Stripe documentation.

2. Configure Apple Pay (iOS Certificate)

  • Log in to your Stripe account.
  • Click on the gear in the right hand corner and then on Settings.

  • In the category Product settings, click on Payments.
  • Click on Payment methods tab.
  • In the list, navigate to Apple Pay.
  • Click on Apple Pay to expand more information. Both the domain and the iOS certificate can be configured here.
  • Click on Configure iOS certificates.

  • Click on + Add new application. A dialog winow opens and a file is automatically downloaded. This file is later required for the certification.
  • Follow the instructions given by Stripe in the dialog window.
After successful certification, Apple Pay can be used in the plenigo Checkout.