
Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Structure of Reports on "Customers", "Orders", Revenues", "New Subscriptions", "Subscriptions", "Cancellations" and "Cancellation Reasons"
  3. Structure of the Reports on "Successful Payments", "Failed Payments" and "Payment Methods".

1. Preliminary Notes

The "Reports" item (1) in the menu bar can be used to view reports on "Customers", "Orders", "Revenues", "Successful Payments", "Failed Payments", "New Subscriptions", "Subscriptions", "Cancellations", "Cancellation Reasons" and "Payment Methods", which provide data in chart form for the respective sub-items.

The subitems provide information about the following data:
"Customers": registrations over time
"Orders": New orders over time
"Revenue": Accumulated revenue over period of time
"Successful payments": Successful payments over period
"Failed Payments": Failed payment terms over period
"New Subscriptions": New subscriptions over period of time
"Subscriptions": Active subscriptions over period of time
"Cancellations": Cancellations over period
"Cancellation Reasons": what were the reasons for cancellation
"Payment Methods": payment methods used

The subitems can be filtered by time periods (2), such as "hours", "day", "month" or "start date-end date". An exception is the report for the "Cancellation reasons": here you can only filter by whole months or year.
By clicking on the icon (3) at the top right of the chart, the chart can be printed and/or downloaded.

Fig: Overview of a report 

The various reports are largely similar in structure, which is why the following simplifies the reports on:
2. "Customers", "Orders", "Revenues", "New Subscriptions", "Subscriptions", "Cancellations" and "Cancellation Reasons".
and on the other hand:
3. "Successful Payments", "Failed Payments" and "Payment Methods" are explained in summary.

2. Structure of Reports on "Customers", "Orders", Revenues", "New Subscriptions", "Subscriptions", "Cancellations" and "Cancellation Reasons"

For a simplified presentation, the structure of the reports mentioned in the heading is shown on the basis of the customer report.
On the left side (1) the number of registrations is listed in tabular form. This is shown again as a bar chart on the right (2), which can be converted into a curve chart by clicking on (3).
The reports on "Customers", "Orders", "Cancellations" and "Cancellation Reasons" additionally show the sum (4) of the respective points for the selected period in the table (1).
Special feature of the "Cancellation Reasons": this report is displayed as a pie chart.

Fig: Structure of the customer report 

Fig: Structure of the cancellation reasons report 

3. Structure of the Reports on "Successful Payments", "Failed Payments" and "Payment Methods".

Items (1), (2) and (3) are similar to the other reports. However, the reports on "Successful Payments", "Failed Payments" and "Payment Methods" distinguish between credit card, SEPA and invoice payment types (4).

Fig: Structure of the payment methods report