
Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Notes
  2. Sessions Tab

1. Preliminary Notes

In the "Sessions" tab you have an overview of all active sessions of your customer. This means that if, for example, the customer is logged into Self Service via his cell phone and his computer, both sessions are displayed simultaneously in the "Sessions" tab. If the customer ends the session and logs off, the tab is empty. This means that only active sessions are displayed.

Via the menu item "Customers" it is possible to access the customer overview of the specific customer. The customer account is opened by clicking on the "Customer No." or the "Email".

Fig: Overview of how to get to the customers details. 

Various overviews are available here. One of them is the "Sessions" tab.

Fig: Sessions Tab

2. Sessions Tab

As soon as a customer logs in, the session is displayed in the tab of the same name. If the customer logs out again, the session also disappears.

Within the tile you get information about the "operating system", the "browser" and the "login time" (1). The session can be deleted via the icon at the top right (2).

Fig: Functions in the Sessions Tab