What are misuse rules and how do I create them?

Inhalt dieses Artikels

  1. Preliminary Notes 
  2. Creation of Misuse Rules
  3. Example of Usage 

1. Preliminary Notes

Misuse rules are used to prevent offer misuse by preventing customers from gaining new access to the same offer after canceling their subscription. They are a building block for offers within the plenigo backend.
A misuse rule can be added to offers.

Tip: Misuse rules are widely used for free or reduced offer steps.

Example: If a customer purchases an offer with a free trial period, but cancels the offer before the end of this period, 
a new purchase of the free trial period should be prevented. This is where the misuse rules come into play.
The item "Misuse Rules" (3) is a sub-item of "Sales rules" (2), which in turn are located in the menu item "Products" (1). Rules that have already been created are summarized here in the overview. A rule can be edited or copied via the commands in the right column.

Fig: Menu item "Misuse Rules"

2. Creation of Misuse Rules

Step 1:
Any misuse rules that have already been created are displayed in the overview. The "Add a Rule" button starts the creation of a new misuse rule.

Fig: Creating a new rule

Step 2:
In addition to mandatory data such as Internal title and an optional description, a misuse rule consists of two areas:
(1): Settings for how the misuse rule works.
(2): Text fields for the output of a hint during the purchase process.

Fig: Creation form of a misuse rule

To create a misuse rule, an offer must exist in the system to which the misuse rule is to refer in the application case. This offer is selected from the existing offers in the "Switch to following product if attempted to purchase" field. The "Runtime (from purchase of a product with this rule)" field can be used to define a period for the duration of the misuse rule, if required. The defined runtime begins with the purchase of an offer with this rule. Alternatively, the duration of the misuse rule can also be defined via the "unlimited" checkbox without a fixed end date. An unlimited duration of misuse rules is the default case.

Fig: Configuration field of the runtime

3. Example of Usage

An offer with a free first offer step is linked to the abuse protection rule "Misuse Rule KB".

Fig: Offer with a linked misuse rule

If the offer is selected for purchase for the first time, this offer will also be offered for purchase in the checkout.

Fig: Purchasing the offer for the first time

If the customer purchases the offer, cancels it, and then selects it again for purchase, the misuse rule takes effect in two ways:
(1): The information text for the customer defined in the misuse rule is displayed in the checkout and informs the customer about the change of his selection.
(2): Not the offer selected by the customer is offered for purchase in the checkout, but the alternative offer defined in the misuse rule.

Fig: Information stored in the misuse rule

Fig: Information displayed in the Checkout