IVW Rules

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Create IVW rules for Print
  3. Create IVW rules for Paid Content
  4. Further Information

1. Preliminary remarks

In order to be able to create IVW rules, the IVW Settings module, which is subject to a charge, must first be activated in the contracting company.
The module makes it possible to generate IVW exports for digital offers sold at a configurable interval.
Setting up the export requires prior coordination with the responsible IVW auditor.
IVW rules can be created for print and paid content.

2. Create IVW rules for Print


  • Click on + Add IVW rule for Print.
  • Enter Report Title*. This title is transmitted to the IVW.
  • Enter Internal Title*. This title is not transmitted to the IVW.
  • Optionally, enter a Description.
  • Select Price Type*:
    • Period Based: Period-based billing reports total revenue for the billing period to the IVW.
    • Issue Based: Issue-based billing reports the single price of the billing period which is determined with the number of deliveries within this period to the IVW.
  • Select IVW Type*:
    • Subscription
    • Student's Subscription
    • Single Purchase

Reference full price

  • Select Price Sheet*: Reference full price related to the IVW type selected above.
  • Full Price Divergence (up)*: indicates in percent by how much the achieved price can deviate upwards from the full price in order to still be considered the full reference price.
  • Full Price Divergence (down)*:  Indicates in percent by how much the achieved price can deviate downwards from the full price in order to still be considered the full reference price.

Other sales

  • Select Alternative Price Issue*.
  • Divergence for alternative Price Issue (down)*: indicates in percent by how much the achieved price can deviate downwards from the price for other sale in order to still be considered as other sale.

3. Create IVW rules for Paid Content

  • Click on + Add IVW rule for Paid Content.
  • Enter Report Title*. This title is transmitted to the IVW.
  • Enter Internal Title*. This title is not transmitted to the IVW.
  • Optionally, enter a Description.
  • Enter Price Group A - Lower Limit*.
  • Enter Price Group B - Lower Limit*.
  • Enter Price Group C - Lower Limit*.
  • Valid from*: Select the date from which the rule should apply.
  • Click on + to add additional lines.

4. Further Information

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