Invoice Management

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. General Invoice Settings
  3. Settings for the Electronic Invoice

1. Preliminary remarks

In the Invoice Settings tab, important settings for the invoice number range (independent of the contracting company) and for the electronic invoice are maintained.
  • Invoice number range: The contracting company provides a global invoice number range for all clients. It can be changed for each client independent of the contracting company.

    Note: It can only be changed before the first invoice has been created in this client. Once invoices have been created in the selected client, no more changes can be made to the invoice number range.

  • Settings for electronic invoice: The specifications in the form are mandatory regardless of whether XInvoices are used or not.

2. General Invoice Settings

  • Click on Edit.
  • Checkbox Do not send automatically generated invoices to customers
    • activated: Customers only receive the order confirmation and the first invoice by email. Recurring invoices are deactivated.
    • deactivated: Customer automatically receive all invoices by email.
  • Use a separate invoice number range for this sub company: Can only be set before the first invoice is sent.
  • Invoice Start Number: Can only be changed before the first invoice is sent.
  • Creditor-ID (optional): Unique identifier that is assigned to the customer for the SEPA direct debit procedure and is displayed on every SEPA mandate. More information.
  • Export Configuration (optional): More information about export configurations can be found here.

3. Settings for the Electronic Invoice

All fields in this form are mandatory.
Even if electronic invoices are not used, it is mandatory to fill in the form.

Electronic Invoice (XRechnung)

  • What is an electronic invoice?
A XRechnung is a standardized XML invoice which is required for the exchange of electronic invoices from and with German administrations. It fulfills the 2014/55/EU directive in Germany.
plenigo automatically generates an electronic invoice which can be used.

  • Call XRechnung via API: API endpoint:{invoiceId}/xml
  • Download XRechnung in the Merchant Backend:
    • Open the Invoices tab.
    • Click on the Invoice ID in the list view. The invoice opens.
    • Click on Download XRechnung in the action bar.
  • Download XRechnung in the Self Service: Every customer can download a XRechnung in the Invoices snippet.
The German Federal Government provides further information on their website:

Buyer reference (Leitweg-ID)

The buyer reference is mandatory for electronic invoicing to public clients of the German federal administration.

The buyer reference can be managed in a customer account.

  • Add the buyer reference to a customer account in the Customers menu item.
    • Create a new customer manually: Click on + Create a Customer.
    •  With already existing customers: Click on Edit customer.

The German Federal Government also provides further information on their website: