Standard fields in the offer creation

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Standard fields in the offer creation

1. Preliminary remarks

There are certain fields that must and/or can be filled in during every offer creation.
The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory fields and must always be filled in.

Note: Some fields can no longer be changed after saving. 

  This symbol marks the information which is displayed to the customer in the frontend.

2. Standard fields in the offer creation

General offer information

  • Internal Title*
    This title is only for internal allocation and is not displayed to the costumer.
  • Offer structure
    Offers can be sorted into previously created folders.
  • Add language: Before another language can be added, the Offer* and Legal advice* fields must be filled in in the 1st language.
  • Offer* 
      This title is displayed to the customer in the Checkout, invoice and order confirmation.
  • Legal advice*
      This text is displayed in the customer in the Checkout, invoice and order confirmation.
  • Additional title description
      This text is displayed in the invoice and order confirmation.
  • Description
      This text is displayed to the customer in the Checkout.
  • Summary
      This text is displayed to the customer in the Checkout.

  • Price sheet*
      The price of the price sheet is displayed to the customer in the Checkout, the Self Service, the invoice and the order confirmation.
    The price sheet can be created either beforehand or during the offer creation by clicking on +.
    When creating a subscription offer this field is not displayed as the price is already defined in the product contract.
  • Access right*
    Determines what the customer should have access to on the website.
    The access right can be created either beforehand or during the offer creation by clicking on +.
  • Misuse rule: Select a previously created misuse rule by using the drop-down menu.

Accounting and Taxes

For the following fields it is essential to fill them in correctly to be able to have bookkeeping exports carried out containing correct data. Ledgers, cost centers and tax types can be maintained in the Merchant Backend. For more information, read the following entries: Accounting and Tax Rates
  • Ledger: An already created ledger can be connected to the offer.
  • Cost center: An already created cost center can be connected to the offer.
  • Tax Type*: Select the corresponding tax type for the offer.

    Note: The tax type can no longer be changed retrospectively. 

External Management

  • Managed by (drop-down)
    An offer that is not managed by plenigo is used exclusively for information and control purposes.
    All offer-related management options are in a third-party system. The function can be used, for example, to offer a digital product in plenigo at a lower price to those customers who already have a product in another system.
  • Externally invoiced
    If set, an order will be created and a payment method will be requested when purchasing this offer, but no invoice will be created or sent and plenigo will not invoice the purchase.