Manage Delivery Lists

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary Remarks
  2. Manage Delivery Lists
  3. Add a Replacement Product
  4. Connect a Delivery List to an Offer
  5. Download or Share Delivery Lists

1. Preliminary Remarks

After having created a delivery list, it can be managed in different ways:
  • Delivery lists can be edited and more delivery dates can be added.
  • Availabilities can be used for delivery list entries in order to enable or limit redeliveries for these entries (only possible with analog delivery lists!)
  • A replacement product can be added to an analog delivery list. A replacement product is needed for carrying out replacement deliveries for selected issues.
  • Delivery lists can be downloaded or shared in the menu item Downloads.

2. Manage Delivery Lists

  • In the list view, all delivery lists which have already been created are displayed.
  • The symbols stand for digital (desktop) and analog (newspaper) delivery lists.

The following actions can be carried out:
  • Details: The detail view opens. The same actions can be carried out in the action bar as in the list.
  • Edit list header: all data which have been entered under Add delivery list when creating the delivery list.
  • Edit delivery dates: all data which have been generated in Generate Dates.
    Each date can be edited or deleted separately via Commands.

    Note for editing delivery dates:

    In order to be able to save the changes of the dates, the title must also be edited/adjusted. If this has not yet happened, the disk symbol is greyed out and changes cannot be saved.

  • Add delivery dates: additional dates can be generated.
  • Manage availability (only for analog delivery lists!)

Note for availabilities:

  • Availabilities can only be defined for delivery list entries whose delivery date has already passed.
  • Delivery list entries whose delivery date has already passed are available by default, however, they can be limited in their availability.
  • Delivery list entries whose delivery date is in the future are available by default and cannot be limited in their availability.

3. Add Replacement Product

A replacement product can be added to a delivery list.
Beforehand, an offer for a single product (price 0,00 €) must be created.
  • Select the desired delivery list in the list and click on Detail.
  • In the detailed view, click on Add Replacement Product in the action bar. A dialog window opens.
  • In the dialog window, use the drop-down menu to select the offer which has been created beforehand.
  • In order to change the replacement product, click on Add Replacement Product again and select another offer.

4. Connect a Delivery List to an Offer

Delivery lists can be connected to the following offers:
  • time-based subscriptions
  • issue-based subscriptions 

5. Download or Share Delivery Lists

In the menu item Downloads, delivery lists can be downloaded or shared.