Creation and Usage of Selling Paths

Content of this article

  1. Preliminary remarks
  2. Create a Selling Path
  3. Use Cases for Selling Paths

1. Preliminary remarks

Selling paths make it possible to define upselling or cross-selling processes in the plenigo Merchant Backend, which are then automatically implemented in the plenigo Checkout if the conditions of the selling path are met. The basis is formed by selling path tags, which must be created in advance. The tags are then added to the desired offers in order to use them for a selling path process.

Note: There are certain limitations for selling paths. These limitations should be taken into consideration when creating selling path processes.

2. Create a Selling Path

Starting the selling path creation
  • Click on +Add Selling Path.
Internal Data & checkout Texts
  • Enter an Internal Title. This title is only for internal purposes and is not displayed to the customer.
  • Optionally, add an Internal Description.
  • Enter a Title* for the checkout process.
    Example: Conversion from monthly subscription to annual subscription
  • Enter a public Description for the Submit Page* for the checkout process. 
    Example: We will carry out the desired offer change for you after completing your order on {nextPayment}.

    Note: In the example, a variable {nextPayment} is used to output variable data in the checkout.

    The text field Description for Submit Page supports different variables:

    • {offerTitle} outputs the title of the target offer.
    • {nextPayment} displays the next due date.
    • {subscriptionId} displays the ID of the current subscription.
    • {subscriptionTitle} displays the title(s) of the included products.
    • {subscriptionPrice} displays the monthly price of the current subscription.

Tag Settings
  • Select the Source (Tags)* and the Target (Tags)*.
    • Sources define the tags from which a conversion can be made.
    • Targets define possible targets of the selling path.
    • Several tags can be selected in both fields.
    • A conversion is made from source offers to target offers.
  • For further information about the logic and function of this configuration, see 3. Use Cases for Selling Paths.

Conversion Options
  • Activate checkbox This selling path is optional to change the function of the selling path.
    • activated checkbox: The target offer is bought in addition to the source offer.
    • deactivated checkbox: The target offer replaces the source offer.
  • Select Transition* to define the point of time of the offer conversion.
    • Immediate: converts immediately after termination of the checkout process. 
    • Next Booking: The conversion is reserved, however, it will only be carried out on the next accounting date of the current subscription.
    • End of the current subscription interval: The conversion is reserved, however, it will only be carried out at the end of the current subscription interval (4 weeks, 3 months, 1 year, etc.) of the current subscription.

3. Use Cases for Selling Paths

To make sure the function of sources and targets within a selling path is clear, practical information and examples are provided in the following.

  •  Example 1: Several Targets
    • Source (tags): "Selling Path/Month"
    • Targets (tags): "Selling Path/Year" & "Selling Path/Year Churn"
    • This configuration is to carry out a conversion from a current monthly subscription offer to an annual subscription offer from two possible processes.
    • Due to the two targets, the selling path is carried out within two processes:
      •  when selecting an annual subscription offer in an upsell process
      •  when selecting an annual subscription offer via a set customer recovery
  •  Example 2: Several Sources 
    • Sources (tags): "Selling Path/Year" & "Selling Path/Year Churn"
    •  Targets (tags): "Selling Path/Month"
    • This configuration is to carry out a conversion from a current annual subscription offer, which is marked with two tags, to a monthly subscription offer.
    • Due to the two targets, the selling path can be used for offers with two different tags:
      • when selecting an annual subscription in an upsell process
      •  when selecting an annual subscription via a set customer recovery

 Note: A selling path is a logic within the plenigo Checkout. The following aspects are intended to illustrate the practical implementation:

  •  A selling path is started by calling up the checkout.
  • The selling path logic develops from the targets.
  • A checkout call is therefore started for a desired target offer.
  • If the tag settings defined in the selling path match, the selling path is automatically carried out within the checkout process.
  • Selling paths convert exclusively from source offer to target offer.